Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm currently working on some polymer clay dragons. I have several that I'm working on at once. My mind just works better when I can try different ideas at once. I was working on short necks and long necks, thin bodies versus thicker, gorilla like bodies.
I'm also trying different techniques on hands and feet, but it's basically the same. I create a skeleton of claws to which I build up with clay. I'm adding clay to the end of thin wire armature for the hands, then building it up from there. A little difficult to explain.
I found a link somewhere for making wings with heat shrink cellophane. I've modified it slightly for the galvanized wire I'm using.
Looking over my notes here, it sounds like bullshit. I think the best thing to do is to add some pictures to document what I'm doing. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow, but that's low on my list of priorities.
Still working on other stuff, but I'll post that as I get to it. Maybe.

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