Friday, February 3, 2012

I just received official notice that the Phoenix Faerie Festival will not be happening this year. The actual news is that it's been postponed until next year, but the effect is still the same. Reasons quoted are to allow event coordinators to regroup and re-energize.
I know there's been some logistics that seem to be playing against this fest. The event tries to take place in a wooded or treed area. Yes these places exist here in Phoenix! It seems we are having difficulties acquiring a good location, and when we do, it just comes down to too many regulations coming in and wrecking a good thing.
Of course it's more complicated than that, but that's my war. Logistics be damned, I want my fest!
So... okay, I now have almost TWO YEARS to plan for the next fest. Somehow I have to keep my creative juices flowing and not think about how much this really sucks eggs. And if I do come up with something creative and butt kicking, I still have to figure out how to keep it intact without breaking it. And in the interim, I'll just have to find another venue to sell my wares, but I don't know where. Maybe this is just too much for me. Perhaps I'll just hang my hat and forget escaping for a bit into fantasy altogether.
Perhaps, but perhaps not. I know myself enough to know that I could give two snots whether I actually sell my shit or not. Of course it's always nice to sell your crap, but sales aren't really what drive me. I'd be doing this even without the Faerie Fest. I could always argue that there's still the Phoenix First Fridays, but that seems to have gone away as well.
So back to my creations. More to the point, my lack of creations! LOL! Seems I've been too busy doing nothing lately to actually do anything. I have a bunch of small projects waiting for my return to the creation table and get them back up and going. Meh, it's winter, though you wouldn't know it by the unusually warm weather. It's the season of rebirth. Out with the old Oak King, in with the Holly King! Actually its currently a time where the old Oak King sleeps, awaiting His rebirth as the Holly King, but I digress... My point is that its the season of rebirth, where all greenery is in deep slumber awaiting the awakening in the spring. Perhaps I'm more in tune with the seasons than I realize and my creative juices are merely sleeping, awaiting their spring revival.
Perhaps. All my beloved little ficus trees are all fast asleep outside, waiting on the spring. Its a bit difficult to get into the spirit of bonsai creativity when everything has retreated into their dreaming states. Try as I can, I cannot bring myself to do anything creative. I have plenty of different clays, but no will to work it.

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